5 Things to Remember Before Your First Round of Golf This Spring
16th March 2023
Are you a fair-weather golfer? If so, we won’t judge. There’s nothing wrong with deciding against a round in freezing temperatures, wind, rain, and snow. Although next winter, it might be worth taking a look at our last blog for a few techniques on still getting out and making the most of it.
In any case, those of you who have taken a few months off, it’s good to have you back. There are a few things that you must remember before and during that all-important first round of the year. The list below should stand you in good stead and set the tone for a positive period of golf.
You should expect to be a little rusty if you’ve not been hitting a ball regularly. We don’t all have a practice net at home and even if you’re able to do some chipping in your back garden, it’s probably a safe bet that you don’t have the space to really open up and hit your best drive. The muscles used in your swing are not generally utilised in day-to-day movements so it’s vital to have a session or two gradually getting back into the groove at a driving range rather than going all out and tweaking your back off the first tee.
In a different context this time. The weather may seem positively balmy compared to the previous couple of months you’ve spent avoiding the course and wrapping up in more layers than the average onion. Just because it’s above freezing, doesn’t mean it’s necessarily time for shorts and a T-shirt. Pay close attention to the forecast and dress accordingly, not forgetting that this is also a time of year when the weather can turn in a moment. April showers may be the subject of a pleasant Disney ditty, but they’re decidedly unpleasant to get caught in without appropriate clothing.
It’s not all about the score
Most reading this list are likely not professional golfers. You play for the love of the game. Granted, it’s very much a love/hate relationship. On those days when you’re not at your best, our chosen pastime is an incredibly frustrating one - but it’s worth it for those rounds when everything goes right and you feel like, frankly, The Tour would be lucky to have you. Your first round back will almost certainly fall into the first category, and it’s best for everyone if you accept that heading in. Your swing will be rusty, you won’t be at your fluent best in and around the greens, and chances are the course itself isn’t in tip-top condition after a potentially punishing winter. Don’t put any pressure on yourself and see this for what it is - a first step towards getting back into the swing of things.
If your friends and family know you’re a golf enthusiast, there’s a good chance you received a shiny new set of balls over the festive period. Tempting though it may be to use them straight away, as we’ve already discussed there’s a good chance that you won’t be 100% on your game. This means you’re far more likely to lose a ball or two, so it’s probably in your best interest to save the new ones for now. It’s also worth bearing in mind that if the gifter seems too keen for you to try them out, they could well be those “hilarious” novelty balls that explode, scream, or don’t carry/roll as they should. In this case, they won’t be any help in getting your game back to where you want it.
Why are you doing this?
If we’re accepting (as we should) that this is likely to be a below-average round, you might question what the point is in even going. Why is it that you play golf? Is it a chance to catch up with friends you don’t often see away from the course? Is it an excuse to get a few lungfuls of fresh air, and get a few miles under your belt? Maybe it’s a rare couple of hours of peace, away from the hustle and bustle of daily life. All of these things still apply, no matter how well, or otherwise, you’re playing. So enjoy it. Make the most of being back out there, and remember - the warm weather, luscious greens, and light evenings of summer are just around the corner!
Whether you are looking to purchase a new waterproof, mid-layer or something else, our team here at Scratch72 are here to help and ensure that you look and feel your best during your next round. To keep up to date with the latest stock drops from the leading brands in golf, make sure to sign up to our newsletter.